Biodynamic Cariovascular Therapy Blog

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To Care: Part 1

To care for self and other is a natural biological instinct. It forms the basis of empathy and compassion. To care exists on a spectrum that incorporates our most basic animal nature for healing when we are sick, all the way to a heartfelt desire to see the world completely free of pain and suffering. […]

Release Based Cathartic Therapy: Cautions and Considerations

CONCEPTUAL OVER SIMPLICITY Catharsis therapy is based on the idea that bringing painful memories to consciousness with emotional discharge is the best way to recover from old wounds. Deliberately re-living a traumatic event by dredging up memories or releasing emotions through catharsis is more likely to re-traumatize the body/mind than to heal it…the body/mind cannot […]

Release Based Cathartic Therapy: Cautions and Considerations

Today I would like to start posting on emotional release work. I wrote this as part of my dissertation a few years ago and it is still relevant. All of the references will be posted in the final blog of this series. Since the days of Mesmer, certain forms of therapy in the West have […]

What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 8

Question: Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers that I have forgotten? Answer: The important thing in all of this is for the practitioner to feel the movement of his or her heart. I probably should have said this at the very beginning but the biodynamic process starts with mindfulness of […]

What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 7

Question: You have been the student of a medicine man on the Navajo reservation in Arizona for a long time. In the workshop you have compared the 3-dimensional perception of our physical body and the perception of Primary Respiration and Stillness with the medicine wheel, bear skin and rattle of a traditional healer. All these […]

What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 6

Question: If we look at the heart-to-heart connection of a mother with her child from the embryological view as being the basis for our treatments, meaning we look at our hands and arms being the connecting stalk or umbilical cords, we invite a kind of prenatal symbiotic relation. a.) Is this appropriate for a therapeutic […]

What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 5

Question:  We can enhance the power of Primary respiration (PR) by synchronizing it with secondary respiration. How does this function? And does this connect with the discovery of Steven Porges that slow exhalation supports the parasympathetic nervous system as well as slowing down the heart rate? Answer:  There are really two questions here. The first […]

What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 4

Question:  You experiment most probably with different hand positions i.e. the palm up positions. You touch with the back of your hands instead of the palms, Or only with one hand, and the other rests on your lap or knee. What’s the idea behind that and which experiences do have with them? Answer:  I am […]

What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 3

Question:  In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy we do not concentrate on symptoms, pains or deficits. We rather learn to establish “embodied wholeness”. When I think about that philosophical path I ask myself why do we use specific hand positions on special body parts? Wouldn’t it be enough using the pieta position? And if I go even […]

What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 2

Question:  Being a lymph drainage therapist myself the idea of working with the lymph system craniosacrally looks quite appealing to me. Mainly because it is also a vast body system with many branches all around the fluid system of our body. Also the lymph should be moved by the Primary Respiration. What do you think […]